The program provides career-minded graduates a competitive head-start and a meaningful introduction to a thriving and lasting career.

According to the Founder of Global Analyst Academy, who is also the Managing Partner of Nerilus International, Mr. Akinwande Akinsulire, “GATP is a timely response to the challenge repeatedly faced by Nerilus’ recruitment team and a number of human resource managers in Nigeria. In spite of the high unemployment rate in the country, most recruiters still report difficulty filling jobs due to lack of candidates with appropriate skills”.

“GATP is a timely response to the challenge repeatedly faced by Nerilus’ recruitment team and a number of human resource managers in Nigeria. In spite of the high unemployment rate in the country, most recruiters still report difficulty filling jobs due to lack of candidates with appropriate skills”.

― Akinwande Akinsulire

Most graduates burst out of the gates of their respective tertiary institutions with varying grades and confidence in their abilities, only a few are probably smart enough to reflect on how to overcome the obstacle of disconnect between the skills they’ve learnt so far in school and the required skill sets for their dream jobs. According to Proshare economy’s report, about 266,797 candidates submitted applications for 14,112 vacancies in Q3 2016. Going by this fact, closing the skills gap is no longer an option for job-seeking graduates but a necessity. To help fresh graduates understand better what they are missing, PayScale, an online information company surveyed 63,924 managers and 14,167 recent graduates about a year ago.

According to PayScale’s survey, 60% of managers claim the new graduates seeking to take jobs within their organizations do not have the critical thinking and problem-solving skills they feel are necessary for the job. Additionally, 56% of managers said recent graduates do not pay attention to detail and 46% said the young workers would do well to hone their communication skills. Some 44% of managers reported a lack of leadership qualities and 36% reported lower-than-needed interpersonal and teamwork skills. Most of the managers said fresh graduates are lacking in writing proficiencies, public speaking and knowledge of data analysis using programs like Excel, Tableau, etc.

Although, young people freshly out of school are not all expected to possess the ‘hard skills’ organizations require. But some do. A few of them who take advantage of Graduate Finishing School programs are able to learn some basic soft skills such as good work ethics and personal leadership, while those who take part in intensive programs like the Global Analyst Training Program are able to acquire both ‘soft skills’ and ‘hard skills’ required to secure entry-level employment. For ambitious fresh graduates, enrolling in the Global Analyst Training Program is a unique way to expand their experience, enhance their qualifications and test out life in analysis, strategy, and management consulting related roles.

Modules covered include Business Communication; Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving; Fundamentals of Project Management; Strategic Management and Innovation; Foundations of Everyday Leadership; Business Analytics; Business and Financial Modelling; Introduction to Operations Management; Sustainability and Social Innovation; Business Productivity Tools, etc. All the modules are case study and research driven, and are delivered by experienced facilitators drawn from different industries and leading organizations around the world. Nerilus have partnership agreements with leading firms that avail outstanding GATP graduates’ internship and employment opportunities upon graduation.

Admission into the program is quite competitive, hence applicants are treated on first come first served basis. Full and partial scholarships are available for top 10 outstanding applicants for scholarship. Interested applicants should visit