Welcome to GAA


About Us

Global Analyst Academy (GAA) is a school that offers Analyst education. Our programs are designed to enhance your analytical and strategic thinking skills required to drive organisational success.

We offer a complete and unique range of programs for executives and managers. Our course catalog has been designed to deliver educational and practical experiences that ensure practice as you learn. We want to help you uncover your uniqueness, discover your passion and develop the career that lets you stand out and make a meaningful impact.

Students Enrolled
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Modules Uploaded
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Completed Mini-MBA
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Global Faculty
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Learning Model




There are no dull moments in Global Analyst Academy. Instead, we keep you engaged through highly interactive classroom sessions. You will be challenged to think through problems on the spot all through your sessions.

Scenario Based


We ensure that business case studies are embedded into all our courses. In each scenario, we make you step into the role of an analyst or a strategist to make valid decisions. You will learn important business concepts and tools as you work through real world business challenges. 



At Global Analyst Academy programs, we expect you to learn, but we also expect you to interact, network and exchange ideas with your classmates, to offer and seek help from your mates. Our programs bring together learners from different background and the wealth of perspectives will supersede your expectations.  You are not only signing up to learn, you are signing up to teamwork.