Alexander Wang, the famous designer, once said, “I was in fashion school, my brother has a law background and my sister-in-law had worked in production but none of us had proper fashion business education”.
It is not unlikely that we have a picture of people buying and selling in our minds when we hear the word “business”. This does not hurt, however, it projects a limited or myopic perspective to the world of business which is also the corporate world as we know it. We are all affected by businesses around us. Sooner or later, business is something that everyone unavoidably interacts with.
According to a report jointly presented by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) and the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) earlier this year, there are over 39 million Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria, while the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) reported over three million registered companies in Nigeria. Using data from a relatively supporting article by the World Bank, there have been improvements in the economy since Covid-19 which is primarily due to corporate workers (most of which do not possess a business-related degree) turning to small-scale, non-farm enterprise activities in retail and trade.
There is always the need to employ business thinking models and strategies to optimize operations and achieve personal and organizational goals regardless of your employment status. What business education provides is that it equips, sharpens and helps put these business skills into the right structural perspective to enhance personal and organizational productivity.
With proper business training and orientation, young professionals can boost their employability prospects. This is why most companies offer internship and graduate trainee programs geared towards building the right skills needed to navigate the world of business. Therefore, walking into the interview room or setting up a business with these set of skills already in hand, marks one off for excellence.
The abilities to think through, foresee and solve problems are not always innate; they are developed overtime. Business success has metrics proven to work overtime, so, to thrive in a business-driven economy world of today, one would have to develop a critical thinking mindset. According to David Rockefeller, “Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work”. Relevant Business Trainings help you build discipline for hard work which invariably produce desired results.
Business education provides for a fresh working perspective/orientation. As noted by the wise king Solomon, “in the multitude of counsel there is wisdom.” Training helps give that eureka moment: new or reworked ideas on how to manage personal and career challenges. They also equip you with the much-needed technological skills to face the complexities of today’s world of work.
The Entry Level Analyst Program is specifically designed for young professionals who are ready to develop industry-standard competencies and stand out in their careers. This instructor-led program is facilitated by experts in various fields. Students are engaged with hands-on skills and real case projects to work on. Globally recognized certification is awarded at the completion of the program. At the end of the day, what you’re really selling is YOU! So, become invaluable.
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