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Learn from leading practitioners in business, data, and technology education​.
Expand your business skills and engage with a global network of learners. Global Analyst Academy can help you achieve your goal wherever you are.​

The Global Analyst Training Program is a mini-MBA program that offers participants the chance to gain the skills, knowledge, and exposure necessary to advance their careers in analysis, strategy, operations and management-oriented roles. The program provides career-minded executives with a competitive head-start and a meaningful introduction to a thriving and lasting career.

For ambitious young executives, enrolling in the Global Analyst Training Program is a unique way to expand their experience, enhance their qualifications, build a strong professional network, and connect with key industry leaders.

  • This event has passed.
  • Start Time
    October 3 - 12:00 am
  • End Time
    December 9 - 12:00 am
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    Global Analyst Academy