Entry Level Programs (ELPs) are like nursery beds for young professionals to plant and cultivate capabilities to effortlessly thrive in today’s dynamic world of work for instance, the Entry Level Analyst Program.
Agriculture used to be my favorite subject back in junior high school, I remember having a very well written note for it. One peculiar experience was when we had to prepare nursery beds for tomatoes.
Though I can’t remember the nitty-gritty of the whole process but I remembered being fascinated when we eventually harvested the tomatoes. They looked beautifully red after transplanting!
Entry Level Program vs Entry Level Roles
I will broaden the conversations around Entry Level Programs in this write-up. ELPs are not to be confused with ELRs (Entry Level Roles). Yes, because ELR is a product of effective work put into ELP.
ELPs encompass every relevant, strategic, informed and intentional effort aimed towards career or business developments and for the purpose of technicality, they include but are not limited to: Internships, Trainings and workshops, Seminars/webinars, Conferences, Graduate trainee programs etc.
Technical & Social Capitals you Probably Overlook
At the heart of the above-mentioned technical terms in relation to Entry Level Programs are the following:
- Your LinkedIn connections;
- Those extra hours and efforts you put into work;
- That 200-paged book you completed (and even more);
- Those career and personal development courses you take;
- That right attitude, courtesy and kindness you show to others;
- Those Insightful conversations you have with superiors and associates;
- The short-term projects that require critical thinking and team work to complete.
All these and more are technical and social capitals that graduates often overlook which if adequately leveraged upon can be the beginning or growth of a beautiful career or business.
Most times, the challenge is in the ability to harness and channel these skills into proper perspective and have them yield positive results.
To do this, one needs to be strategic and intentional. It’s okay if you have multiple career interests at the moment; you are not alone. Here are a few things you can do:
- Write them down;
- Find a connection between them;
- Research on the prospects of each;
- Find and connect with top players in each and seek counsel;
- Take action (Purse the relevant skills needed);
Entry Level Analyst Program
Having read through, you might have realized that you have probably done at least one of the items listed above, yet you need that thread to pull, then the Entry Level Analyst Program (ELAP) is for you. The ELAP is a strategic program that is tailored for up and coming professionals to help them get ready, set and sent into the business world to thrive.
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